Тоp VC investments in web3 startups in summer 2024: VC landscape overview

A Challenging Summer, Friends...

This market is more controversial than ever. I feel a sense of relief now that I got liquidated last week and don't have to stress today, but it's just crazy. Global recession, talk of World War 3, the upcoming U.S. election, miner capitulation, a president being shot – each piece of news this summer seems to create a new bottom for Bitcoin. And let's not even talk about altcoins – they seem dead. The controversy here lies in the constant promises and FOMO videos from key opinion leaders claiming we're in a bull market, that the alt season starts tomorrow, and that we're already too late to jump in.

But we are founders, right? Who cares about these degen noises?

However, from my experience, people do care. Many startups that planned to launch this summer are now scared, postponing their IDOs, and wondering what on earth is happening, experiencing PTSD flashbacks from the last bear market. So today, for my fellow founders, I've decided to write an article about this summer's VC activity. Are we in a bull market? Can you raise funds on this market ? Should you worry? Let's see what the data reveals.

Overall Dynamics of VC Activity in 2024: Bull Market Re-Emergence

The year 2024 marked a significant re-emergence of the bull market in the Web3 space, with venture capital investments surging to new heights. According to Crunchbase, Web3 startups raised nearly $1.9 billion in Q1 2024, a 58% increase from Q4 2023, indicating renewed investor confidence and interest in decentralized technologies. This upward trend continued into the summer, with VC funding in the Web3 sector reaching approximately $2.3 billion in Q2 2024​ (Thekarostartup)​ (TheFutureParty).

Factors Driving the Bull Market

  1. Technological Maturation: The maturation of blockchain technologies and the increasing adoption DeFi, NFTs, and Web3 infrastructure have played a significant role in attracting VC investments​ (TheFutureParty)​ (Thekarostartup).
  2. Regulatory Developments: Positive regulatory developments, such as the approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs and clarity on crypto regulations, have further boosted investor confidence, encouraging more significant capital inflows into the sector​ (Crunchbase News)​ (TheFutureParty).
  3. Global Economic Conditions: The ongoing global recession and geopolitical tensions have highlighted the resilience and potential of decentralized systems, prompting investors to seek opportunities in the Web3 space as a hedge against traditional financial systems​ (Crunchbase News).

Comparing Q1 with Summer 2024 Activities

Q1 2024: A Strong Start

  • Investment Volume: Q1 saw a substantial increase in VC investments, with a focus on layer-1 blockchains, DeFi, and AI-integrated blockchain solutions​ (Thekarostartup)​ (Crunchbase News).
  • Major Deals: Notable deals included Monad Labs' $225 million round led by Paradigm and Worldcoin's $200 million round led by a16z​ (TheFutureParty)​ (Thekarostartup).
  • Investor Sentiment: The sentiment was bullish, driven by technological advancements and a more favorable regulatory environment​ (TheFutureParty)​ (Thekarostartup).

Summer 2024: A Shift in Focus

  • Increased Activity: The summer months witnessed a continued increase in VC activity, with total investments surpassing $2.3 billion in Q2​ (Crunchbase News)​ (TheFutureParty).
  • Shifting Focus: While DeFi and blockchain infrastructure remained popular, there was a noticeable shift towards Web3 applications in gaming, metaverse, and decentralized identity solutions​ (Thekarostartup)​ (TheFutureParty).
  • Impact of FUD: Despite some market FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) surrounding global events and crypto market volatility, VCs remained optimistic, focusing on projects with strong fundamentals and clear use cases​ (Crunchbase News)​ (TheFutureParty).

Key Trends and Shifts in VC Focus

  1. Emphasis on Layer-2 Solutions: Layer-2 solutions addressing scalability and transaction speed have gained traction, with investments pouring into projects like Arbitrum and Optimism​​.
  2. AI and Blockchain Integration: The integration of AI with blockchain technology is a growing trend, with significant investments in projects like Fetch.AI and Bittensor​​.
  3. Decentralized Science (DeSci): DeSci projects, which aim to decentralize scientific research and collaboration, have started gaining attention, reflecting a broader interest in using blockchain for non-financial applications​​.
  4. DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks): Projects focused on building decentralized infrastructure for energy and communications, like Helium Network and EnergyWeb, have attracted considerable VC interest​​.

Market Sentiment and Investor Behavior

Resilience Amidst FUD

Despite market FUD triggered by geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainties, and crypto market volatility, the Web3 VC landscape has shown resilience. Investors are increasingly focusing on projects with strong fundamentals, innovative solutions, and clear value propositions​ (Crunchbase News)​ (TheFutureParty)​ (Thekarostartup).

Long-term Perspectives

Investors with long-term perspectives are prioritizing the underlying infrastructure of  Web3 over hype-driven investments. This indicates a maturing market where strategic investments are favored over speculative plays​ (Crunchbase News)​ (Thekarostartup).


The Web3 venture landscape in 2024, despite all the FUD, has seen a significant resurgence, marked by a strong bull market and increased VC activity. From Q1 to the summer, investments surged, reflecting growing confidence in decentralized technologies. Key drivers include technological maturation, positive regulatory developments, and global economic conditions favoring decentralized systems.

VCs have shifted focus towards more mature projects, solving problems of web 3 ecosystem . This indicates a maturing market with a preference for strategic, long-term investments over speculative ones. Here below you can find the top venture deal of this summer. Hope that this article will help you navigate on current market!

1. Monad Labs

Monad Labs raised $225 million in a Series B round led by Paradigm, a venture capital firm known for its focus on decentralized finance and blockchain technologies. Monad Labs is a blockchain platform compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and it aims to improve scalability and efficiency in decentralized applications. This funding round highlights the increasing investor confidence in layer-1 blockchain solutions, emphasizing the significance of compatibility with Ethereum, a leading blockchain for smart contracts​ (Crunchbase News)​​ (Thekarostartup)​.

2. Worldcoin

Worldcoin, a company co-founded by OpenAI's Sam Altman, secured $200 million in a Series C funding round. This round was led by a16z (Andreessen Horowitz), with participation from Coinbase Ventures and 1confirmation. Worldcoin's mission is to create a global digital identity system that combines AI and cryptocurrency, using biometric data to ensure unique identities. The startup plans to use this funding to further develop its technology and expand its global presence​ (Crunchbase News)​​ (TheFutureParty)​.

3. EigenLabs

EigenLabs, a blockchain infrastructure company, closed a $150 million funding round led by Lightspeed Venture Partners and Sequoia Capital. The company specializes in providing tools for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, focusing on enhancing security and scalability. EigenLabs' technology allows for the creation of customizable financial products, which has attracted significant attention from investors looking to support innovative DeFi solutions​ (Thekarostartup)​​ (TheFutureParty)​.

4. Celo

Celo, a mobile-first blockchain platform aimed at making financial tools accessible to anyone with a smartphone, raised $100 million in a Series C funding round. The round was led by Electric Capital and Polychain Capital, two firms with a strong focus on supporting infrastructure and scalability in blockchain ecosystems. Celo's focus on financial inclusion and sustainable economic growth in emerging markets has positioned it as a key player in the Web3 landscape​ (TheFutureParty)​​ (Thekarostartup)​.

5. Exohood Labs

Exohood Labs, a company specializing in decentralized cloud computing solutions, raised $90 million in a funding round led by Y Combinator and Bain Capital Ventures. The startup aims to disrupt traditional cloud computing by offering decentralized alternatives that promise greater security and lower costs. This investment underscores the growing interest in decentralized infrastructure as a core component of Web3's future​ (Thekarostartup)​​ (Crunchbase News)​.

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