The 2022 is a really hard year for many crypto & web3 startups.
Those, that have launched a token on exchanges, face 90% drop in valuation and token price, and can hardly balance the buy VS sell pressure on the market.
Those, that were still at early stage when the "crypto winter" started, have incredible difficult times in attracting venture capital and prolonging their runaway.
In August 2022 InnMind made a survey among startup founders, asking them what is the #1 challenge in crypto venture capital fundraising. And the most popular answer was "access to crypto VC investors".
To support startup founders during this challenging time, InnMind team has put together the ultimate list of venture capital firms, that invest in blockchain, crypto and web3 startups. There are more than 165 crypto VC funds that were active in this sector during the last year, and this list will grow since we're going to update it regularly 👇

If you need this list, leave your email here, and we'll send you the access (it's free, don't worry!).
You can use it as your pipeline of investors to approach during your fundraising journey. We already did the "monkey job" for you, now it's the time to do your homework: research and select the VCs that are matching your project scope and start sending them your pitch!
For investors: if you found that your VC firm is missing and should be in this list, send us a message in the live chat on the right bottom side of the window! 👉
BTW, many of these are in InnMind crypto investors network, regularly participating in our VC Pitching Sessions and scouting for great startups from startups database.
So if you want to increase the probability of fundraising and get warm intros with interested VCs instead of (or in addition to) cold outreach, we highly recommend you to register your startup profile on InnMind and apply to pitch to one of our next VC Pitching Sessions 🚀