While working with innovative tech startups we understood that the most challenging tasks for startups are fundraising and sales. On the 30th of July we hosted a free webinar about Startup Sales Strategy with a guru in the sales field - Taran Hughes.
Taran Hughes has more than 2 decades of sales experience and shares his knowledge with early and growing startups to help them generate revenue and leverage their sales. Taran has founded TCS Sales Accelerator and founder of PitchSlap - weekly pitching show, and he is an author of the The Conscious Sale.
This time we organized a webinar in an open Q&A discussion format where we invited a few startups from our community and talked about their cases together with Taran to examine all the steps in the sales process and deep down into the solutions of particular problems encountered on the way. Viewers also joined the stream on Youtube Channel and asked questions in the chat.
Taran started a webinar with the question: When to start sales in a startup? And the answer is YESTERDAY.
Startup should open the relationship with customers and learn their problems before proceeding with any sale. In any other case, you would be a man who just wants to take money. As a brief sum up of this thought, Taran recommended startups to start selling at the MVP stage and even before.
Our invited expert also listened to startup cases and gave them valuable pieces of advice. For example, Anis Bey, founder of Kestya, was interested in how to deal with first customers: should startups offer the product for free to attract them or should they offer the same product at a lower price. Despite different theories in this topic, Taran shared the following opinion: “If you do something well never do it for free and if you want to incentivize someone by lowering the price - exchange it for other value (feedback, interview, etc).”
Another bright case was shared by Rama Krishna Rao from Bloqcube who asked about customer segmentation in the industry. Here Taran gave simple yet applicable advice: “You should divide people by the expended energy and resources to deliver value and open sales.”
Find answers to other questions in the video below:
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